We are in Italy–yes ‘researching’ wine and olive oil–and it’s raining at Condor’s Hope! We are getting inquires as to flash flooding in the Cuyama. Santa Barbara County recently installed an automated digital rain gauge located near the ranch in Cottonwood Canyon. So, from afar–very afar–we can ‘sense’ what is happening close to home.
We’ve gotten about 1.5 inches of rain over the past 2 days at the ranch. About 1.25 fell in just 45 minutes, but we think the ground can handle that. Steve planted cover crop before we left–so hopefully when we are there for the olive harvest we will see green sprouting.
So far since September 1st we’ve had 2.25 inches of rain—this is half of what we had all of last rainy season September 2014 – May 2015!
So, while it seems that Hwy 166 was closed for a while, and there was quite a heavy one hour downpour–overall the start to this year’s rainy season is good in the Cuyama Valley. May it continue steadily in the months ahead.
There are still spaces available to join us for the olive harvest November 13-15, find out more here.
And stay tuned to this blog for more updates from both Italy and Condor’s Hope.