You’re invited to our Santa Cruz Holiday Gathering 

Sunday, December 15th 1:00 – 4:00 PM



Enjoy wine tasting and hors d’oeuvres

Listen to live music

Pick up your Winter Solstice Club Condor Selection


Join us at our home on the westside of Santa Cruz in tasting wines from our new releases as well as some of our older vintages along with wonderful appetizers featuring Condor’s Hope freshly milled olive oil and other delights. We will be joined by a pair of very talented musicians, our friends Paul and Emily!

See old friends and meet new.  You’ll be able to to get gifts for the holidays of wines and olive oil.

We hope to see you there! Please let us know by completing the RSVP below.

Club Condor Members: Please help us plan ahead by marking your choice for your Winter Solstice Selection. And your preferences for how to receive your wine if you won’t be able to join the gathering. Thank you!

Sending you our warmest wishes,

Robbie & Steve

Holiday Party wine            



Holiday Gathering RSVP - SC

  • Please enter a number from 0 to 10.
  • Club Condor Members: Please select your preference for your Winter Solstice Wine Club Selection. See the full description here. If you wish other changes or additions, please let us know in the box below. Thank you!
  • Club Condor Members: Our Winter Wine Club release will not include olive oil in it this year. Olive oil will be able to be added on as a separate 3-bottle order of either the 250 or 500 mL. Let us know in the box below if you would like to purchase some olive oil along with your Club selection. Thank you!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.